Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Sketchbook and Plane Drawings

For some reason the South Korean government paid for my art class to go to Korea for a week. One day some of us went to a traditional typesetting place and the guy who runs it showed us around. The extreme tedium involved in their work was fascinating to me. On the way out there was a shelf with some really pretty notebooks and I asked how much this one was in broken Korean. I had to get someone to translate his response. He said the book was a gift for me!
It's so pretty.

The same day we went to a "music cafe" and I paid the equivalent of $10 for the best cup tea I have ever had and the opportunity to listen to records on a $2.4 million sound system. Holy crap.
There were also lots of interesting books including three with photographs of beetles from around the world. I drew a picture of this one because it was shiny.

Also here are some drawings from the plane flight to Korea, when we were over the sea of Okhotsk:

I thought the patterns in the ice were cool.

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